3 Day Body Class – Dr. Carleta Tiba, 16 – 18 aprilie 2018

Facilitator: Dr. Carleta Tiba
Si daca corpul tau este compasul sau ghidarea catre secretele, misterele si magia vietii?
Gary Douglas si Dr. Dain Heer au creat Clasa pentru Corp Access. Ea este facilitata de Facilitatori Certificati pentru Corp si este pentru e explora cu procese verbale si cu lucru pe corp cu mainile care deblocheaza tensiuni, rezistente, si lipsa de usurinta cu corpul, prin schimbarea energetica dinamica.
Cei care au participat la Clasele Pentru Corp Access au raportat schimbari majore cu corpul lor, in dimesniune si forma de multe ori, eliberari de dureri cronice si dureri acute, si relatia lor cu banii s-a usurat deasemeni.
Clasa de Procese pentru Corp Access este proiectata sa creeze un dialog si sa creeze comuniune cu corpul tau ce iti permite sa te bucuri de corpul tau in loc sa lupti impotriva lui si sa il abuzezi. Cand incepi sa schimbi modul in care te relationezi cu corpul tau, vei incepe sa schimbi modul in care te relationezi la orice alt lucru in viata ta.
Ai tu talente si abilitati in a lucra cu corpurile, pe care inca nu le-ai accesat? Sau, esti tu un body worker, terapeut de masaj, chiropractician, doctor, sau assitent medical, care cauta o modalitate de a imbunatati vindecarea pe care o facilitezi celorlati? Vino sa te joci cu noi si vino sa explorezi cum sa comunici si sa te relationezi cu corpurile, inclusiv cu al tau, in moduri noi.
Durata Clasei: 3 zile (16-18 Aprilie) zilnic de la 10 la 18:00
Pretul clasei: pentru cetatenii romani, care locuiesc in Romania, 4200 Lei. Romanii care traiesc in afara tarii platesc pretul din tara in care locuiesc.
REZERVAREA LOCULUI LA CLASA DE 3 ZILE SE FACE prin trimiterea unui email la carletatiba@yahoo.com in care sa specifici clasa la care doresti sa participi.
Copiii pana in 15 ani pot veni gratuit daca vin insotiti de un parinte. Ei trebuie sa indeplineasca conditiile de participare (sa fi facut clasa de Bars si de fundatie).
Copiii intre 16 si 18 ani platesc jumatate de pret.
Nu exista Pret de repetare a clasei.
Cerinte de Participare la Clasa de 3 zile: Access Bars si Fundatia Access (indiferent cand ai participat la aceste clase de bars si de Fundatie)
Daca nu ai aceste cerinte indeplinite, aici gasesti programul claselor de Bars si de Fundatie, in cazul in care doresti sa faci aceste clase cu Dr. Carleta Tiba:
In cazul in care datele din calendarul de evenimente pentru clasele de Bars si Fundatie nu se potrivesc cu programul tau, ne poti contacta la carletatiba@yahoo.com cu cerere in care sa specifici ce date sunt posibile pentru tine sa participi)
INFORMATII si REZERVARI la carletatiba@yahoo.com
Dr. Carleta Tiba, aici:
Carleta Tiba
Facilitator Certificat Acceseaza Constiinta
People who have attended the Access Body Class have reported dramatic shifts and changes with their body size and shape, an overall relief from chronic and acute pain, and their relationships and money issues seem to get easier too.
The Access Body Class is designed to open up a dialogue and create a communion with your body that allows you to enjoy your body instead of fighting against it and abusing it. When you start to change the way you relate to your body, you start to change how you relate to everything in your life.
Do you have a talent and ability to work with bodies that you haven’t yet unlocked? What do you know? Or are you a body worker – massage therapist, chiropractor, medical doctor or nurse – looking for a way to enhance the healing you can do for your clients? Come play with us and begin to explore how to communicate and relate to bodies, including yours, in so many new ways.
Duration: 3 days
Pre-requisites: Access Bars® and Foundation (previously named Foundation and Level One),
Cost :4200 lei .
What if your body was a compass or guide to the secrets, mysteries and magic of life?
Gary Douglas and Dr Dain Heer created the Access Body Class. It is facilitated by Certified Body Class Facilitators to explore verbal processes and hands-on bodywork that unlock the tension, resistance, and dis-ease of the body by shifting energy dynamically.
What if your body was a compass or guide to the secrets, mysteries and magic of life?
Gary Douglas and Dr Dain Heer created the Access Body Class. It is facilitated by Certified Body Class Facilitators to explore verbal processes and hands-on bodywork that unlock the tension, resistance, and dis-ease of the body by shifting energy dynamically.
People who have attended the Access Body Class have reported dramatic shifts and changes with their body size and shape, an overall relief from chronic and acute pain, and their relationships and money issues seem to get easier too.
The Access Body Class is designed to open up a dialogue and create a communion with your body that allows you to enjoy your body instead of fighting against it and abusing it. When you start to change the way you relate to your body, you start to change how you relate to everything in your life.
Do you have a talent and ability to work with bodies that you haven’t yet unlocked? What do you know? Or are you a body worker – massage therapist, chiropractor, medical doctor or nurse – looking for a way to enhance the healing you can do for your clients?
Come play with us and begin to explore how to communicate and relate to bodies, including yours, in so many new ways.
REGISTRATION : by sending an email at carletatiba@yahoo.com